Jim Janakievski
Bill Robbins
Takeshi Sasaki
Dimitris Tatakis
Jim Janakievski
Bill Robbins
Takeshi Sasaki
Dimitris Tatakis
Binnaz Leblebicioglu
Excessive gingival display is a frequent esthetic concern for patients. This presentation will review the etiology and diagnostic aspects of the condition, will highlight the available treatment options with emphasis on applicable surgical approaches, and will spotlight relevant current research.
Dr. Robbins will introduce the diagnostic factors driving the gummy smile treatment selections.
Dr. Janakievski will cover the surgical management of the interdental sites for acceptable esthetic outcomes following crown lengthening.
Dr. Sasaki’ will focus on passive tooth eruption, its effect on gummy smile and treatment modalities to treat gummy smile due to passive tooth eruption.
Dr. Tatakis will introduce lip repositioning as a surgical modality to treat gummy smile associated with upper lip hypermobility.
Educational Objectives:
• Be aware of the core questions and global diagnoses of the Gummy Smile.
• Recognize the interdisciplinary nature of treating the Gummy Smile.
• Learn differential diagnosis of passive tooth eruption and treatment modalities to correct Gummy Smile due to passive tooth eruption.
• Identify Lip Repositioning indications, approaches, and outcomes.